John’s textbook, Brand Management in Canadian Law, (currently in its fifth edition) considers brand management from a legal perspective. John and the text have been referred to by both the Supreme Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Appeal as an authoritative source. He is the author of McKeown, Fox, on Canadian Law of Copyright and Industrial Designs (four binders in loose leaf format with quarterly installments).

John has particular expertise regarding actions relating to copyright. He has been involved in many opposition proceedings before the Trademarks Opposition Board and actions for infringement. John supervises obtaining, protecting and licensing trademarks and hundreds of successful trademark applications. Some of Canada’s largest marketers have relied on John’s advice. He is certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a specialist in Intellectual Property Law (Trademarks/Copyright). A growing component of his work relates to intellectual property claims on the Internet, including domain name disputes. John McKeown focuses on providing advocacy and advice concerning intellectual property and related matters, including protecting trademarks, copyrights, patents, confidential information and misleading advertising and claims under the Competition Act.