I liked the last episode and finally their boss had a more major role there.

Now admittedly, the Black & White arc is thus much more serious and some episodes feature pretty high stakes, but still these three are my favorite characters from the entire show and they enliven the whole affair significantly and thus this season is more boring than usual. And here I come to one major issue and that is the lack of Team Rocket. The season has way too many detours and those typical standalone adventures which are just fillers and not interesting or fun in any way. Even though I liked that episode with Dawn, I would prefer to see my favorite Pokémon gal Misty make an appearance, but unfortunately that is not happening here. One is the once again over-reliance on old Pokémon and old characters continually appearing. This season is naturally not as good as its predecessor, but still it’s pretty solid for a second season. It is a flawed, but overall serviceable, solid and mostly quite fun season. The 15th season of Pokémon is Black & White: Rival Destinies.